Meet The Team

Walter D'Souza
The Founder-Chairman of the Souza Enterprise is self-effacing and resonates effortlessly with co-workers and clientele alike, who have rallied around him since inception of his path-breaking ventures. He relies on a time-tested business ethic - build relationships, the rest follows...

Christopher D'Souza
A next-gen entrepreneur and Managing Director of the Souza ventures, keenly schooled at the knee of his mentor, Dr. Christopher D'Souza placed a coveted medical degree on the shelf, to further the vision of the founder, his father. His acumen and foresight keeps the manpower and the marketplace abuzz in anticipation of the next big breakthrough!

Bettina D'Souza
The CEO of Souza Cashew and the backbone to the group's retail thrust in the nutritious foods business, Bettina D'Souza, complements her husband Christopher's drive to make S Nuts a pan-India brand. Her promotions and public relations prowess is much admired among their customers, the competition and her co-workers, alike.